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Code of Conduct

We’re keen to make sure that our event is great for everyone, so we present a code of conduct for the weekend, which we hope you can follow.

  • We want to be inclusive; do not engage in exclusionary behaviour or language against anyone based on their race, gender (binary, assigned or otherwise), disability, mental health, religious belief (or lack thereof), sexual orientation, level of education or age. Don't make exclusionary jokes. Don't even make them "ironically".
  • Harassment is unacceptable. Unconsented physical contact or sexual attention can constitute harassment, even if it wasn’t intended to cause upset. Dressing or acting in a certain way is not consent.
  • Aggression and elitism are unwelcome here - it's not a competition.
  • Although the bar will be open, there is no expectation or pressure to drink alcohol. Don't question anyone's choice of drink. Soft drinks will be available.
  • If you’re taking photographs, video, or other recordings, and plan to share them online or elsewhere, please make sure everyone being featured is happy for you to do that.

Attendees violating these rules may be asked to leave the event and will not be welcome back to our events in future.

If you are subject to, or observe, any harassment, or have any other concerns - please speak to a member of the organising team (specific contacts will make themselves known in the opening sessions) or email Reports will be dealt with discreetly and in confidence

Please be aware of your surroundings and the effect your words and actions have on the people around you. We want everyone to have a great time, and treat each other with respect.