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Booking and prices

Tickets for the MathsJam Gathering include sessions on the Saturday and Sunday, as well as lunches on both days, dinner on Saturday and overnight accommodation onsite for Saturday night.

The 2024 cost of a full weekend ticket was £190 (single occupancy) or £155 (per person, sharing a double or twin room) - this may be updated for 2025. You may share with a specified person - on the same or a separate booking - or you can tell us your sharing preferences, and we can try to match you up with a suitable roommate.

Non-residential tickets, covering the daytime sessions and meals, but not including overnight accommodation, are available at £90 for the whole weekend (2024 price).

Remote attendance tickets are available for £20 (2024 price), and include online access to the livestream of the event, access to the Virtual Yarnfield space during the weekend of the event, and any other parts of the event we're able to make accessible remotely. For more information, see the remote attendance page.

On all Gathering tickets, there are discounts of 10% for early-bird booking (ending around September) and 10% for unwaged or low-income participants, using the code 'unwaged'. If you would like to attend MathsJam but would be unable to cover all the costs yourself, we may have some funding available to support you. We will release details of how to apply for this once booking opens.

Additional nights of accommodation (for Friday and Sunday night) may be added to your booking, at a cost of £70 (single occupancy) or £60 (per person sharing). An additional meal (dinner on Friday or Sunday evening) may be added for £10. Discounts are not available on these additional nights/meals.

For more information about the venue and facilities, visit the In-Person Attendance page.