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What is MathsJam?

MathsJam is a monthly opportunity for like-minded self-confessed maths enthusiasts to get together in a pub and share stuff they like. Puzzles, games, problems, or just anything they think is cool or interesting. We don't have organised talks, planned activities or even strict timings - just turn up and join in.

We meet on the second to last Tuesday of every month, from 7pm or 7.30pm in the evening. Events happen simultaneously (where possible) in locations all over the world. For more details of local events, use the menu to navigate. You can follow our activity by looking at the @MathsJam twitter feed.

Please note, the information on this website is not guaranteed to be correct - the individual MathsJams are organised locally, and details/meetings can change from month to month. If you're not sure, check the local page using the menu, and contact your local MathsJam organiser by emailing [city name] for a reminder and updates. If any of the MathsJams stop running, please let us know by emailing Katie as soon as possible.

If there isn't an event in your area, and you'd like there to be one, please email for details of how you can set one up!

MathsJam is not for children. MathsJam is an event for adults to meet and socialise, which is why they are mainly held in licensed premises, where under-18s are not allowed. Do let us know via if you come across an event for children being called "MathsJam", or you see MathsJam being promoted to young students.

MathsJam also runs an annual gathering which takes place every November. More information about the gatherings can be found on the gathering pages.